The average house price on WILBERFORCE VILLAS is £81,940
The most expensive house in the street is 7 WILBERFORCE VILLAS with an estimated value of £118,480
The cheapest house in the street is 2 WILBERFORCE VILLAS with an estimated value of £60,335
The house which was most recently sold was 6 WILBERFORCE VILLAS, this sold on 25 Jan 2023 for £74,500
The postcode for WILBERFORCE VILLAS is HU9 2TL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 WILBERFORCE VILLAS Terraced £86,091 £50,000 9 Mar 2012
2 WILBERFORCE VILLAS Terraced £60,335 £25,000 29 Apr 2003
6 WILBERFORCE VILLAS Terraced £74,700 £74,500 25 Jan 2023
7 WILBERFORCE VILLAS Terraced £118,480 £27,400 27 Aug 1999
8 WILBERFORCE VILLAS Terraced £70,096 £66,350 15 Feb 2022